
This site would never have been possible with so little effort if not for the wonderful folks who manage the WordPress project. WordPress is an open source initiative and is distributed for free under the GNU General Public License. The quality of the product is evident in it’s adoption. More than 51% of the blogs are published using WordPress. If you have a few shillings to spare I would not hesitate in suggesting that you donate to the WordPress Foundation.

Words without pictures would make for a bland story. Some may castigate the use of pictures to illustrate a story as an unskilled writer’s crutch. That notwithstanding, the folks at Creative Commons are involved in superlative effort to allow pictures to be used freely with attribution. I have individually credited each of source for pictures used in my posts, at the end of each post.

HTML5 specification provides for a much richer set of fonts to be used. I found Font Squirrel to be a good resource to discover fonts in the free-to-use domain. I extend my appreciation to the individual foundries who created these fonts: Fontstage (Felipa), Darren Rigby (Waterstreet), Apostrophic Lab (Komika Axis), Gesine Todt (Amaranth), Bernd Montag (Sansation), Andrew Paglinawan (Quicksand) and unknown sources (Journal and Lobster).